DANNA: Mother of the Gods
She is the mother of all the celtic gods. She symbolizes the might or the power of the . This is an evidence of the importance of as a warrior and as a healer in the Celtic world. Her attributes are the , for sacrifices and war, the stick, as a guide, and the snake, as a fertilizer.

MORRIGAN: Goddess of battle
She sometimes appears in the form of a crow, above the warriors.
She is three goddesses in one:
Nemhain: When she announces death to any soldier.
Macha: as a warrior.
Babd: in the shape of a crow fighting for and protecting a band or soldier in the .

MANI and SUNNA: The Moon and the Sun (associated to Monday and Sunday)
They are two of the children of a giant and are so that the gods took them to place them in the sky and govern the sun and the moon.
Mani is the god of the Moon. He guides all its movements and phases, so he governs the tides too. Sunna is the goddess of the and rides the chariot of the sun creating day and night. A wild wolf pursues her and when it catches her it will be the end of times, Ragnarok

TIW – LLUDD: God of war (associated to Tuesday)
Tiw is the god of war and honour, of strategy. He is associated with Roman god Mars. He protects the , the tribe. When Tiw fights for a side in the battle, this wins.
He is and reckless and very strong. He has only one hand which always carries his mighty .

WODAN – ODIN: God of wisdom (associated to Wednesday)
God of war and and wisdom, warriors ask him for the victory in their battles.
Wodan is armed with a shining armour and a gold .
Two crows tell him everything that happens in his reign.

THOR - DONAR: God of the and the crops (associated to Thursday)
Thor is the strongest and moodiest god of all, but he is also an honest faithful god. Thor is the god of thunder and lightning, of climate and, therefore, of crops. People fear him because his thunder and lightning, which he makes with his hammer, can be very harmful.
He is usually represented holding his, his favourite weapon.

FREYA - VENUS: Goddess of love (associated to Friday)
The most beautiful of the goddesses. Every god loves her. She has two fantastic objects: a wonderful and a cloak of hawk feathers which allows the person who wears it to fly. Freya takes the brave warriors to her castle after their death.
When she lost her husband her tears fell onto the ground and turned into .


Read the text carefully and choose the correct answer